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Modern Money Theory and European Macroeconomics – an Alternative to the Policy of Austerity?
22. Januar 2018 @ 18:00 - 20:00
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Vortrag und Diskussion mit Dirk Ehnts
The collapse of the global financial system in 2007 hit the neoclassical economic mainstream in its mark. But instead of being the starting point for a process of radical self-reflection, in fact, the crisis functioned as a door opener for the neoliberal policy instrument of austerity. Dr. Dirk Ehnts is one of the leading academics in the field of alternative Macroeconomics and Monetary Theory in the German speaking area. Having his theoretical roots in the concept of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), Ehnts is able to expose austerity not just as a useless but rather as a dangerous tool in times of a stagnating european economy. With his simple methodological approach focusing on balance sheets, he reveals why traditional economists and policy makers assume wrong when identifying government debts as the root of all evil.
The presentation will be in english targeting students with interests in economics from all disciplines.
Eine Veranstaltung des AK Plurale Ökonomik Hamburg
Montag, den 22.01.18 um 18:00 – 20:00 Uhr
Wo? VMP 9, Raum: ??